This blog is not about me. It is my ode to awareness. It is my personal belief that the downfall of society can be summed up in the lack of blinker usage.
When I was a child I believed in the “all for one, one for all” theory. “Live together, die together.” And most importantly, “do one to others as you would want done to you.”
I am a die-hard blinker user, because I believe in the concept of community and the concept of working together. In order for us to function together as a society we have to (1) be courteous to others, (2) indicate our movement so others can react and make informed decisions accordingly, and (3) believe in the power of a collective whole.
It is for this reason that I have begun this blog. To bring awareness to blinker usage. To remind others that we are in this world together and we need to work together to survive.
My warning to you is that if you are not using your blinker daily. You are part of the problem.